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Corporate Teambuilding & Conference 2D1N

Get out of the office and do things differently! Surrounded by the beauty of the Mai Chau Valley, forge new bonds, renew company spirit, and get the ideas flowing.

Corporate Teambuilding & Conference 2D1N


Validity: 31/12/2024

1,599,000 VND / pax / night


  • One night stay at Mai Chau Lodge (triple share basis), including buffet breakfast
  • 2-hour teambuilding session
  • BBQ dinner
  • Lunch set menu at Bo Luong Restaurant
  • 2-hour meeting room usage with tea break 
  • Complimentary usage of swimming pool, Jacuzzi, steam bath and kayaks on Lotus Lake
  • Complimentary entrance ticket to Mo Luong Cave

Terms & Conditions:

  • Rate based on 03 persons sharing a room. Surcharge for 02 persons sharing a room: VND 250,000 / person
  • Package applies for groups with minimum 15 persons or reservations from 7 rooms (TWN / DBL)
  • Extra 5% off for groups of at least 25 persons staying in 12 rooms
  • Rate inclusive of VAT and service charge
  • Promotion cannot be used in combination with any other programs
  • Activity surcharges:
    • Campfire: VND 1,000,000 / group
    • Campfire with traditional dancing, sound system, and projector: VND 3,500,000 / group
    • 2-hour buggy for half-day tour: VND 550,000 / 8 persons
  • Accommodation surcharges:
    • Weekend: VND 200,000 / room
    • Peak season (weekend public holidays): VND 500,000 / room
    • Single room: VND 1,000,000

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